There's always someone or something that can get to you like nothing else can. We've all been there. But lets explore why. The situation itself really isn't that serious or maybe it is and needs to be addressed. What's telling is if the same situation were to happen regarding a different person or thing would it bother you as much? If the answer is no then the issue is not really the situation itself. It is a result of your expectations not being met. You didn't build any expectations? That may be true on a level. You're not expecting anything BUT you're hoping for something. And when that's not met the "urk" sets in. No one is to blame. No one should be judged. Simply observe yourself. Accept yourself. And change your situation.
Deborah Adele's book The Yamas and Niyamas has been a great eye opener. Check it out at
Excerpt from The Yamas & Niyamas.