Scientists put Shamanic Medicine Under the Microscope.

In an unlikely collaboration with Amazonian shamans, medical researchers seek a cure for autoimmune disease.

Ten years ago, Mark Pischea, then a 42-year-old political consultant and father of five from Williamston, Michigan, was rushed to the hospital with severe stomach pain. 

Pischea was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It belongs to a group of conditions known as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). Crohn’s most commonly affects the end of the small bowel (the ileum) and the beginning of the colon, but it may affect any part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, from the mouth to the anus. Ulcerative colitis is limited to the colon, also called the large intestine. Common conditions of this disease are fevers, rectal bleeding, extreme abdominal cramps and pains, fatigue, night sweats, and persistent diarrhea to name a few.

For the next decade of Pischea's life, a once healthy husband and father lived an unending cycle of flare-ups, surgery, and recovery. His fight surgery left him bedridden for six weeks. He had reached a point where his doctors told him his only remaining options were either a sixth surgery or the removal of his stomach all together. Through the agony and pain he said he felt ready to die.

There was however one more option outside of Western Medicine. His wife insisted he board a plane and journey into the Amazon in Peru to a healing center in the tiny village of San Roque de Cumbasa.

Pischea spent most of the next three weeks in isolation, following a strict dieta of rice, plantains and specially prepared plant teas. Several times a day, he met with a shaman named Antonio, who prescribed him local plants known to induce vomiting, also known at a vomitivo, a way to cleanse the body and "reboot" the immune system. The shaman's recommendations also included Ayahuasca, a potent hallucinogenic brew, and kambo, the venom of a rain forest tree frog.

Now four months later, Pischea is not only free of his Crohn's disease but the process had freed him from the depression he had developed from being sick.

“For me, being symptom-free is nothing short of a miracle,” he told The Huffington Post. "I'm thankful for each day that I'm feeling well."

                                                                 Art by Luis Tamani.

                                                                 Art by Luis Tamani.

Shaman Explains How Ayahuasca Can Facilitate a Spiritual Awakening

Ayahuasca is known at the "vine of the soul." For those of you who don't know, Ayahuasca is a brew made from the vine of the Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotoria viridis leaves. The process of making the brew is a long and extensive one that should only be done by experienced brewers. The end result is a dark, thick tea that contains DMT which the Drug Enforcement Administration classifies as illegal. 

It has been used by the Shipibo people, the natives of South America, as medicine for centuries. Only recently has Ayahuasca, La Medicina, attracted the attention of westerners. Last week, dozens of healers gathered at the Visionary Convergence in Hollywood, CA. The goal was to bring awareness to etheogenic plants. Sitaramaya, who goes by Sita, is the organizer of this event. I have had the opportunity to have Sita as one of the healers with me in ceremony at Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual in Iquitos, Peru. The center is owned by Dr. Joe Tafur, an MD from Phoenix, Arizona, and Ricardo Amaringo, a Shipibo shaman, and Cvita Mamic, a Canadian shaman.

Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual

Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual

Sita tells the Huffington Post how she first got involved with Ayahuasca:

"I got sober from drugs and alcohol when I was 25 years old and started a yoga practice at the time. I was introduced to the concept of ayahuasca through my yoga teacher in 1996, and I was pretty staunchly opposed to drug use. But there was a kindred feeling between myself and my yoga teacher, and when I witnessed my teacher I thought, ‘Wow, this teacher is walking the walk.’ There was a disconnect between what I thought drugs were and what I was witnessing and what I was learning.

I had to sit with it for a year. I practiced and I sat with it and then I thought, ‘I’m feeling really drawn to this.’ Then it was another year before I got the opportunity, and I took it. My first ceremony was in 1998. My life changed after that. Ayahuasca didn’t change my life but my life changed as a result of that initial experience."

As I've mentioned before the experience of Ayahuasca is not one that can be put into words. Even if I were to tell you my experience or if you hear the experience of someone else it will not even come close to what you will experience. Not only is Ayahuasca different for every person but it is different for every person every time. Mama Ayahuasca is unpredictable but one thing is certain. She will show you exactly what you need to see at that particular time. 

A view from the moloka in Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual at the Nihue Rao trees. Nihue Rao is a master plant said to be more powerful than Ayahuasca. Healers diet this plant when they are training to become shamans.

A view from the moloka in Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual at the Nihue Rao trees. Nihue Rao is a master plant said to be more powerful than Ayahuasca. Healers diet this plant when they are training to become shamans.

Sita shares an experience she had during an Ayahuasca ceremony:

"I once had an experience in an ayahuasca ceremony of these sheets of light unfolding repeatedly. It was as if in the seam of each one was a light that I experienced as all that is, but then it would fold back again. I came to this place of understanding -- we can keep going but there’s nothing behind that screen. You could pull back that curtain but it would just be another curtain. It never ends. We are that, born into human form. I believe that it’s our soul taking form to know the divine within.

Another experience I had many years ago in Brazil happened after I did a 28-day dieta (a process of developing and cultivating a relationship with a particular plant while restricting intake of other foods and substances.) Midway through I had a vision of a crystalline palace up on a mountain top with tiers leading up to it. Those tiers represented the suffering of the universe: fire, floods, dismembered bodies. I cried and cried and cried with this deep spiritual connection I felt to all the hurt. The palace represented everything is divine. We all get to go to that palace but some of us are doing it with a limb hanging off our body. It was so moving. I felt just very deep compassion and connection, and for me that’s very spiritual."

Watch Sita as she talks about her experience with Ayahuasca.

Suicide, sects, murder and insanity: The truth about...Ayahuasca?

The below article written about Ayahuasca showed up today. There are few misconceptions to say the least that need clarifying.

Anyone who has ever had an Ayahuasca ceremony knows that it is not "popular at parties." If people were drinking Ayahuasca at parties everyone would be on the floor possibly purging, crying, or overwhelmed in silent joy in the visions they are having. Ayahuasca is not a party drug and no one meets with Mama Ayahuasca to have fun; least of all socialize with other people.

"But two travelers have died after taking part in the ceremony since 2014."

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) 16,060 people die every year in the US from prescription drugs!

Do not fear what have not experienced. Do not judge what you have no knowledge about.

To learn more watch Doctored.

A blood moon and supermoon coincides with a total lunar eclipse!

Tonight we will not only have a blood moon and a harvest moon but it will also coincide with a total lunar eclipse! On top of that the moon will be the closest it has been to the Earth in 2015 making it a Supermoon.

On top of that the Visionary Convergence is happening this weekend. Multiple healers, shamans, and other top players in the plant medicine community will be there. Energies are at their peak this week. This is prime time for self awareness. Don't allow your ego to run rampant and lead you to make poor decisions. Don't base your choices off "I." "I" is definition of the self created by the ego. Read "I" Does Not Exist.

Today's supermoon will also coincide with a total lunar eclipse that will be visible across most of the United States. (For those with clear skies, at least.) It will not be until 2033 when a conjunction of a supermoon and total eclipse will happen again. 

Here are the times to know for prime skywatching:

*The moon will rise around 4:30 p.m. PST

*The lunar eclipse will begin at 6:07 p.m. PST.

*The total eclipse will begin at 7:11 p.m. PST.

*The moment of greatest eclipse will be at 7:47 p.m. PST.

*The total eclipse ends 8:23 p.m. PST.

*The partial eclipse ends 9:27 p.m. PST

*The moon will set between 5-5:15 a.m. PST on Monday.

On the East Coast, "The moon enters Earth's full shadow, called the umbra, starting at 9:07 p.m. EDT (6:07 p.m. PDT). The total eclipse begins at 10:11 p.m. EDT (7:11 p.m. PDT). Totality lasts an hour and 12 minutes, at which point a bright sliver of the moon will emerge and grow."Tonight we will not only have a blood moon and a harvest moon but it will also coincide with a total lunar eclipse! On top of that the moon will be the closest it has been to the Earth in 2015 making it a Supermoon.

On top of that the Visionary Convergence is happening this weekend. Multiple healers, shamans, and other top players in the plant medicine community will be there. Energies are at their peak this week. This is prime time for self awareness. Don't allow your ego to run rampant and lead you to make poor decisions. Don't base your choices off "I." "I" is definition of the self created by the ego. Read "I" Does Not Exist.

Today's supermoon will also coincide with a total lunar eclipse that will be visible across most of the United States. (For those with clear skies, at least.) It will not be until 2033 when a conjunction of a supermoon and total eclipse will happen again. 

Here are the times to know for prime skywatching:

*The moon will rise around 4:30 p.m. PST

*The lunar eclipse will begin at 6:07 p.m. PST.

*The total eclipse will begin at 7:11 p.m. PST.

*The moment of greatest eclipse will be at 7:47 p.m. PST.

*The total eclipse ends 8:23 p.m. PST.

*The partial eclipse ends 9:27 p.m. PST

*The moon will set between 5-5:15 a.m. PST on Monday.

On the East Coast, "The moon enters Earth's full shadow, called the umbra, starting at 9:07 p.m. EDT (6:07 p.m. PDT). The total eclipse begins at 10:11 p.m. EDT (7:11 p.m. PDT). Totality lasts an hour and 12 minutes, at which point a bright sliver of the moon will emerge and grow."Tonight we will not only have a blood moon and a harvest moon but it will also coincide with a total lunar eclipse! On top of that the moon will be the closest it has been to the Earth in 2015 making it a Supermoon.

On top of that the Visionary Convergence is happening this weekend. Multiple healers, shamans, and other top players in the plant medicine community will be there. Energies are at their peak this week. This is prime time for self awareness. Don't allow your ego to run rampant and lead you to make poor decisions. Don't base your choices off "I." "I" is definition of the self created by the ego. Read "I" Does Not Exist.

Today's supermoon will also coincide with a total lunar eclipse that will be visible across most of the United States. (For those with clear skies, at least.) It will not be until 2033 when a conjunction of a supermoon and total eclipse will happen again. 

Here are the times to know for prime skywatching:

*The moon will rise around 4:30 p.m. PST

*The lunar eclipse will begin at 6:07 p.m. PST.

*The total eclipse will begin at 7:11 p.m. PST.

*The moment of greatest eclipse will be at 7:47 p.m. PST.

*The total eclipse ends 8:23 p.m. PST.

*The partial eclipse ends 9:27 p.m. PST

*The moon will set between 5-5:15 a.m. PST on Monday.

On the East Coast, "The moon enters Earth's full shadow, called the umbra, starting at 9:07 p.m. EDT (6:07 p.m. PDT). The total eclipse begins at 10:11 p.m. EDT (7:11 p.m. PDT). Totality lasts an hour and 12 minutes, at which point a bright sliver of the moon will emerge and grow."

Psychedelics like LSD, Ayahuasca ease anxiety, PTSD--but don't self-medicate

Psychedelics have gained a bad reputation in our country but we're beginning to discover that magic mushrooms, Ayahuasca, and ecstasy are the very things that could treat mental illnesses. Since President Nixon declared a "war on drugs" in June 1971 any hopes of researching psychedelics and treating illnesses have come to a halt. But various studies now have come to show that not only do psychedelics improve people's mental health but have cured depression, drug addiction, anxiety, and PTSD.

"The biological and psychological evidence seems to show that these drugs can have a unique effect on altering the patient's subjective experience in a very powerful and meaningful way, " says Dr. Matthew W. Johnson from John Hopkins. He added the drugs, "can help people who are in a very difficult place psychologically break out and get unstuck."

Another psychiatric researcher, Evan Wood, says, "Psychedelics allow users to have a spiritual or mystical experience. Those who have such experiences often end up having profound insights that have significant effects on the behavior."

People who have mental disorders are often cornered into a place where they cannot find a way out of their mind. They are literally trapped and running in circles. This cannot be treated on a conscious level. It needs to go beyond that and be treated on a subconscious level. In comparison, people treated with psychedelics often see results within a few doses; sometimes even one. Whereas people taking prescription medication have to take them for years and often times be on them for life to for it to be effective. 

"With even minor mental health condition minor depression or anxiety...or more serious problems like addition, the existing paradigm is to frame these as chronic, lifelong diseases. Psychedelics are a total paradigm shirt in the way that mental illness is treated."

Psychedelics can help treat addiction by reducing cravings. Magic mushrooms are proven to lower anxiety and improve mood. LSD can help reduce obsessive-compulsive disorder behaviors as well as people who are diagnosed with no cure and have end-of-life anxiety. 

The Amazonian hallucinogenic Ayahuasca can cure depression, anxiety, PTSD, and open the mind of up deep spiritual experiences.

For people who are not diagnosed with any the above psychedelics can be a powerful resource to coming into a deeper understand of self and develop self growth. 

"People made claims to be more sensitive, compassionate, tolerant, to have incased positive relationships, an increased need to serve others. Those kinds of changes are not delusional, because blinded interviews with family members, friends and work colleagues confirm these reports."

In recent studies scientists say that the drugs can help understand how the brain works but some of them "have the potential for misuse and addiction." However that is no different that the drugs that are socially acceptable and approved by the FDA. The difference that FDA drugs' side effects are massive compared to those of natural psychedelics though.

Ayahuasca should always be done in a controlled setting with experience shamans and healers. This is not a party drug in anyway. Ayahuasca does not have the playful effects like magic mushrooms and ecstasy. She is purely used for healing and learning.

For now, Ectasy, LSD, or Ayahuasca should be used in a controlled setting, and scientists may want to harness the drugs’ therapeutic elements, eliminating the hallucinations or feelings of dislocation. And people shouldn’t start self-medicating with psychedelics, either, Johnson warned.


Chelsea Handler will trip on hallucinogens for her new Netflix show

Chelsea Handler, long time comedian, has never been one to shy away from a risk. Last year she decided to go full boob and show it for a publicity stunt.

"A Muslim allowed a topless Jew to sit on his camel" Handler says as she makes a bold statement for peace in the Middle East.

"A Muslim allowed a topless Jew to sit on his camel" Handler says as she makes a bold statement for peace in the Middle East.

Earlier this year she announced at the Forbes Women Summit that she is taking control of her career. She turned down $10 million a year for the next 5 years by doing the Chelsea Lately show on E!

"I want to do a show that's smarter than me. I want to learn. I want to make my mother proud. I want to make my family proud. I want to take chances."

Her new docu-series on Netflix airing next year will have 4 episodes including: Chelsea Does Racism, Chelsea Does Silicon Valley, Chelsea Does Marriage, and Chelsea Does Ayahuasca. 

"And then the next one will be Chelsea does Ayahuasca. That will be the last one just in case."

I can't wait to see the changes Mama Ayahuasca will make on this comedian!

Miley Cyrus talks about ayahuasca: "The drug was healing"

Miley Cyrus the Hannah Montana disney star and creator of the hit song "Wrecking Ball" is eager to try ayahuasca again.

Ayahuasca is an illegal drug here in the United States. It is made with by combining two plants, the vine of Ayahuasca and a shrub called Chacruna. Chacruna contains the hallucinogenic compound dimethyltryptamine (DMT). But many countries in South America see it as a medicine and use it for healing purposes.

The 22 year old star says, "We all are good people but i wanted to know in my heart, in my deepest soul. I wanted to know what arises what: Am I really the person I thin I am."

"When I was on my trip, all I could focus on was animals. I was puking up different animals-dolphins, and seals and giraffes. It's really crazy. This was literally a week before I the Met Ball. At Met Ball, I was like, 'Guys, none of this matters.'"

Earlier that year in April 2014 Miley was heart broken after losing her beloved dog, Floyd, to coyotes. Seeking comfort she visited a Chinese healer and believes that Floyd's energy was transferred into her friend and creative collaborator Wayne Cyone, lead singer of the Flaming Lips. She said the experience brought the two of them very close together. 

"This is going to sound crazy, but a Chinese healer sent me into a state where my dog was lifted out of my lungs and placed on my shoulder. I pet my dog for 3 hours," she tells the New York Times newspaper.

"I told him I have to let go and put his energy out. I really think, in a way, his energy went into Wayne's energy. What he was to me, Wayne has become."

Miley insists that their special bond is non sexual although she admits she is 'in love' with the 56 year old rocker. 

She added: "He's everything in the world-you can't even define us. I am 100 percent in love with Wayne, and Wayne is in love with me, but it's nothing sexual in any way. That would be the grossest."

Lindsay Lohan speaks out about how Ayahuasca changed her life

Lindsay Lohan finally opens up about her probation and her experience with the Amazonian drug, Ayahuasca, that has "changed her life," and other methods she uses to relieve stress. 

Over the course of the past 8 years Mean Girls star, Lindsay Lohan, has had a number of legal troubles including being arrested for shoplifting and drunk driving, Her community service involved working with LBGT kids in a New York shelter. She dedicated 12 hour shifts to make sure that she would complete her hours by her courts date. 

The actress has recently completed her 8 years of probation. With her new found freedom she is focused on turning her life around.

When asked how she felt about completing her probation she says,"I don't think anyone thought I would finish, that's why I'm happy." The things she spends her time on now are meditation, Ayahuasca, and whole-body cryotherapy. 

Opening up about this now very popular drug she says, Ï did Ayahuasca. It changed my life." The star reported going to a shaman to undergo Ayahuasca ceremonies. After having drank this powerful psychedelic drug she had many hallucinations. One of which she claimed having saw her own birth and death. Seeing this helped her let go of the "wreckage of my past."

Amazonians refer to Ayahuasca as "the medicine." But here in the states it's classified at a class-A drug. Now back in the States the star practices Whole-Body Cryotherapy. This new age process begins where participants are immersed in a chamber that is filled with liquid nitrogen for up to 4 minutes to relieve stress. Temperatures can range anywhere between -184 degree fahrenheit to -256 degrees fahrenheit. They are protected from frost bite by putting on socks, gloves, mouth, and ear protection.

"I did it almost every day in New York," she says, "I got up to -256 degree fahrenheit for 4 minutes."

The recovered star has many new films in the works. She spends her time away with her Italian boyfriend, Mathia Milani. 

Linsday goes on to admit that she has never been to the Oscars or the Golden Globes. She says, "I don't want to go unless I'm winning. I don't want to present, all due respect."