Nowadays we are so quick to turn to chemicals and pharmaceuticals to fix problems that we have. "My dog is sick! Quick lets take him to the vet!" "I have bugs! Let me call pest control!" "My body feels unbalanced. I'll take some pills to fix it."
Our minds go in a panic and we immediately turn to the most commercialized solution. We don't think about the side effects these products are having on our home, our loved ones, our pets, and ourselves.
In addition to side effects we spend a ton of money on things that don't work. Here’s a rough estimate on what I’ve spent on “therapy” to work through my problems compared to La Medicina a.k.a. Mama Ayahuasca.
Western Medicine La Medicina
Therapy ($9,600) Ayahuasca Retreat ($1,250)
Medication ($1,200) Plane ticket ($800)
TOTAL = $10,800 TOTAL = $2,050
Not healed. Healed.
My hope is for everyone to not waste the time or the money I did before Mama Ayahuasca was introduced into my life. Here are some tools to help you on your journey.